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Symptoms of Depression :
The 7 Signs of Depression
If either or both of these symptoms are present, then other symptoms are identified as well. 
Five or more of the following symptoms are typically present in clinical depression:

Changes in eating habits. This can be either a decrease or increase in appetite with a loss or gain of 5% of body weight within a month when not dieting.

Changes in sleeping patterns.  Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day.

Fatigue/Low energy.  Fatigue or low energy nearly every day; tire easily; lack motivation.

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Treatments for depression in modern times have come a long way! Science has come to the rescue with effective and differing medications, offering hope to sufferers.

If you have been diagnosed with depression, you may be wondering what you will encounter with your depression treatment. What options are available? What are potential side effects and benefits of antidepressant medicine?

Your doctor may discuss the different depression medications with you. He will most likely mention that SSRIs, tricyclics, MAOIs, or other antidepressants can be used to treat depression effectively. He will outline how these work as treatments for depression.

If you are in the early stages of your illness, your doctor may
Treatments For Depression—Flexible Choices
By Athlyn Green

recommend SSRIs. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors present certain benefits because the same severity of side effects is not usually experienced with their use, contrary to the tricyclics or monoamine oxidase inhibitors that may be used in depression treatment.

If you have tried medications before, your doctor may decide that tricyclics might prove more helpful—especially if you are suffering from major depression. He will decide on treatment for depression that is tailored to your specific needs.

At times, MAOIs may be chosen. Your doctor might employ use of a MAOI when other classes of antidepressant drugs have proven ineffective. MAOIs may be tapped as a last resort. Hazardous dietary and drug interactions make these substances more challenging to use.

Your doctor may prescribe still other drugs, which may not necessarily fit drug classifications of antidepressants but these can also be used in depression treatment. They usually don’t present the same risks. Your doctor will weigh risks and benefits of any medication he prescribes for you.

You might decide on and seek out alternative approaches. Natural remedies are gaining in popularity and are increasingly being turned to as safe and effective depression treatment.

What relief do natural remedies offer? Nutritional preparations contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals, enzymes, herbal extracts and specialty supplements. Effective ingredients include chamomile, useful for alleviating insomnia and anxiety; ginkgo biloba, shown to promote mental clarity and concentration, and beneficial in treating depression; beneficial green tea providing improved cognitive performance; and valerian, used for treating insomnia, restlessness, anxiety-induced sleep disorders, and depression. Nutritional supplements are safe and potent allies in depression treatment.

Why are natural remedies effective? Research has revealed that nutritional deficiencies in the brain and nervous system can be significant factors in malfunction of neurotransmitters and in cognitive impairment. Supplements act to correct imbalances that impair brain functioning. Natural remedies play an important role and can offer alternative choices when considering treatments for depression.

Science has pushed the frontiers and offers newer medications. Research has discovered exciting natural substances derived from nature’s own storehouse to effectively treat symptoms.

Flexible treatment for depression is readily obtainable. You can make important choices for your future well being.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Depression Treatment, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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Symptoms for clinical depression are provided in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).  This book is used by mental health professionals in the diagnosis of mental health disorders.  The diagnosis of major depression is made when an individual experiences a number of symptoms for a period of two weeks or more which include: a low mood and feelings of hopelessness (can be irritable mood in children and adolescents) –and/or- a loss of interest and pleasure in all or most activities. 
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